
As each piece Gabriella makes is unique, we cannot provide a catalogue with a hard and fast price list as outlets more inclined towards mass producing do. Rather we encourage you to discuss your requirements personally with Gabriella using the designs you have seen here or previously as a guide. From this she will be able to create something uniquely for you. Naturally she will be able to gauge price and time scale at this point.

To discuss and place an order please contact Gabriella by email or 'phone on +44(0) 20 8395 8548.


If you would like to discuss a commission or simply be added to Gabriella's mailing list please email her at gabriellasellors@mail.com

Or ring on +44(0) 20 8395 8548

OR - come and see Gabriella at one of her shows - please see where she will be on the Fairs & Art Galleries page